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Supporting your legacy phone systems

In its day, Integrated Services Digital Network (or ISDN) couldn’t be bettered. And to be honest it’s still pretty good. In its most basic format, our ISDN30 solution is a dedicated circuit comprising 30 ‘channels’ giving it the ability to handle up to 30 concurrent calls – inbound, or outbound, or a mix of the two.

If you’re looking to upgrade or install a new system, we’d direct you to our SIP Trunking solution, which carries your voice and data traffic over the same connection. It provides a trunk load of additional functionality. However, if you have a legacy system, ISDN30 provides a simple and reliable way of making and receiving calls.  And we have the skills, technology and expertise to support your needs.

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Advantages of ISDN30

Cost effective connections

Significant savings with competitive call tariffs and plans.


Add or remove users easily without burning a hole in your budget.

Link your existing PABX

Each of the 30 channels can easily handle five or more different telephone extensions.

Call handling

Depending on your equipment, our ISDN service can support a range of advanced call-handling features.


Same speeds up and downstream

Symmetrical service means you get identical speeds for both uploads and downloads.

Link local and remote LANs

Off-site workers and regional offices can connect to your Local Area Network (LAN) at excellent speeds.

No-hassle setup

Off-site workers and regional offices can connect to your Local Area Network (LAN) at excellent speeds.


Great for providing backup for other access technologies.


The techie bit

Direct Dial Inward Services

Callers connect directly to their contact, with no need to be transferred through the switchboard.

Divert on Failure (optional feature)

Enables you to call one of our support offices and have calls diverted to different locations in case of failure.

Call Line Identity Presentation

Identify the party that has called you.

Call Line Identity Restriction

Protect a caller’s identity when phoning out.

Call Barring

Block certain numbers from being dialled, like overseas calls.


Solutions to support your ISDN30


on tap

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