Request a call back

If you'd like to discuss your organisation's requirements with us, or are ready to order, fill out the form below and we'll give you a call back.


If you're a small business interested in Voom Fibre, you can also buy online.

If you're an existing customer and have a billing enquiry, please contact our customer services team.

  1. Please enter your first name Please enter a valid first name.
  2. Please enter your last name Please enter a valid last name.
  3. Please enter your email address Please enter a valid email address.
  4. Please enter your organisation name Please enter a valid organisation name.
  5. Please enter a number we can contact you on Contact Number is not a valid phone number. It cannot contain any spaces and must start with '0' followed by 10 digits.
  6. Please enter the first line of your address
  7. Please enter your postcode Postcode is not a valid postcode.
  8. Please select an option
  9. Please select an option
  10. Please tell us in a few words how we can help
  11. Please tick 'I Agree' to submit your form
  12. Further details on how Virgin Media Business will use your data, including details on how to opt-out of further communications, can be found in our privacy policy.