Business mobile - Voicemail faqs
Your voicemail already comes with a standard greeting, but you’ll probably want to personalise it for your business.
How do I set up a personal voicemail greeting?
Your voicemail already comes with a standard greeting, but you’ll probably want to personalise it for your business.
Here's how:
• Call your voicemail (You can usually do this by holding down the ‘1’ key on your phone)
• Choose option 2, ‘Greetings’, from the first menu
• Follow the instructions from there
How do I set a PIN for my voicemail?
A PIN will protect your voicemail, and lets you pick up your messages from any touchtone phone. You’ll also need to have a PIN to access your voicemail from abroad or from another phone.
To set up a voicemail PIN:
• Call your voicemail (You can usually do this by holding down the ‘1’ key on your phone)
• Choose option 3, ‘Settings and features’, from the first menu
• Follow the instructions from there
Tips for creating your PIN
•It must be between 4 and 10 digits long
•It can't be a single digit repeated, like 1111
•It can't be an ascending or descending sequence, like 1234 or 7654
•It can't be your phone number, or part of it
•The numbers 7890, 2580 and 1210 can’t be used as your PIN
•It can't be the same as a previous voicemail PIN
How do I pick up my voicemail messages?
Picking up your voicemail messages is really easy, and you can do it in a range of ways.
To access voicemail from your mobile phone:
• Call your voicemail (You can usually do this by holding down the ‘1’ key on your phone). If you’ve set a voicemail PIN, you’ll be prompted to enter it now
To access your voicemail from another phone:
• Call your Virgin Media Business Mobile number from another phone and wait for it to ring until the voicemail message begins
• Interrupt your voicemail greeting by pressing *
• Enter your voicemail PIN. You'll then be able to access your voicemail as if you were reaching it yourself
How do I increase the ringing time before my voicemail starts?
If you want to give your customers longer to get hold of you, you can extend the amount of time that your phone rings for before voicemail kicks in, just by entering a code into your phone.
You can choose how many seconds you want your phone to ring before diverting, to voicemail but the example below is based on 30 seconds.
1. Enter this code into your phone: **61*+447953222222**30#
2. Press the call or answer key
3. Your phone will do the rest
To change the number of seconds your phone rings to either 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 seconds, just replace the last part of the code – **30# – with your choice of seconds. For example, if you want the phone to ring for 15 seconds, enter **15#. The most you can extend it to is 30 seconds.
What's the voicemail number?
The voicemail number is the number your phone dials when you access your voicemail. It’s usually stored in your phone so that you can call by simply holding down the ‘1’ key.
If you need the full voicemail number, just dial +447953 222222.
If your phone isn’t automatically set up to call voicemail when you hold down ‘1’, you can enter this number into your voicemail settings so this does happen. Or, you can save the full voicemail number to your phonebook and dial it from there.