Evolving from classic to digital architecture

The expert perspectives

Sometimes it seems everyone has caught the ‘digital transformation’ bug.


But in reality, by April this year, fewer than half (42%) of CEOs had begun digital business transformation, according to a Gartner report*.


Who can change that? CEOs are the ones with the power, and it’s up to the chief information officers (CIO), a chief technology officers (CTO), and chief digital officers (CDO) to drive the changes.


To understand what this means, we spoke to the very best: Group CTO of GAME Retail, Andrew Grainger; CTO of Avado Learning, Mark Ridley; and Rich Pearce, CTO at Crowdcube Limited.


We’re asking them about the differences between ‘classic’ and ‘digital’ architecture, the actions they’ve taken to transform their businesses, and how they’ve found success in the digital era.


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